179 papers done
97% success rate
PhD academic level
Hello there. I appreciate you considering looking at my bio. I am a passionate writer who enjoys helping students achieve their academic dreams. I am your go-to expert if you need quick and quality help completing essays, research papers, presentatio...
Tutor Smiles has been reviewed 116 times.

Customer ID: 262396 (26 orders placed) Mar 19,2021
Excellent & completed before due date. Followed instructions carefully & great communication Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 491100 (49 orders placed) Mar 19,2021
Delivered exactly what I was looking for in record time. Thank you! Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 11296 (11 orders placed) Mar 18,2021
Computer Science
As always, my tutor comes through with amazing work and ahead of schedule. Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 121095 (12 orders placed) Mar 18,2021
Religion and Theology
Writer provided an excellent analysis. He is very thorough and knowledgeable. Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 432399 (43 orders placed) Mar 18,2021
Excellent & completed before due date. Followed instructions carefully & great communication Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 381897 (38 orders placed) Mar 18,2021
did a good job and went above and beyond can't thank you enough Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 70798 (70 orders placed) Mar 17,2021
Great work. Excellent response time. Got my paper far in advance! Thank you Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 412095 (41 orders placed) Mar 17,2021
Writer provided an excellent analysis. He is very thorough and knowledgeable. Do you recommend this writer? Yes

Customer ID: 343195 (34 orders placed) Mar 16,2021
Really worked with me for this paper and made revisions exactly as requested! Do you recommend this writer? Yes
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